Saturday, May 30, 2015

BLOGQUEST - Course of Action Week 

Romanian, British and American ground forces use the same set of headings for preparing their operational orders.
This format can be applied to any type of operation.
A.    Ground.
B.     Situation.               i.   Enemy Forces.
ii. Friendly Forces.
iii. Attachments and Detachements.
C.     Mission.
D.    Execution.             i.   Concept of Operations.
ii.  Detailed  Tasks.
iii. Coordinating Instructions.
E.     Administration and Logistics
F.      Command and Signal.
C Company is about to take part in a battalion attack. The sentences bellow have been extracted from the company commander’s orders. Match each sentence to the correct heading (and subheading if necessary).

1.                  The objective is occupied by elements of the 3rd Airborne Division.

2.                  If  I am hit, Capt. Thomas will take over until the 2IC arrives.

3.                  9 Platoon’s objective is the church at grid 424719.

4.                  C Company will capture the village of Pratzen.

5.                  The company will assault

6.                  H-Hour is at 0415 hours.

7.                  The surrounding area is open farmland.

8.                  B Company will be on our left. Their objective is at grid 440720.

9.                  Each man will carry four anti-personnel grenades and one smoke grenade.

10.              Our frequency is 0474 MHz.

11.              G40D is attached to company headquarters for the attack.

12.              Requests for indirect fire support will be made through G40D.

13.              The RAP is at grid 435715.

14.              Hunt Ball means that the objective is secure.

Extension. Write your own set of orders for an imaginary operation.

When you are operating with English-speaking troops, it is essential that you understand the various commands and warnings which are used. Your life may depend on it!
Match the terms and phrases in column A to their correct definitions in column B.

Column A

Column B
1.                  Make ready!
a.                   Get into a lifeboat; the vessel is about to sink.
2.                  Take cover!
b.                  A chemical agent has just been used.
3.                  Unload!
c.                   Shoot as quickly as possible (infantry)
4.                  Halt!
d.                  Cock your weapon!
5.                  Tank action!
e.                   The enemy has been sighted.
6.                  Open fire!
f.                   Shoot as quickly as possible.
7.                  Gas! Gas! Gas!
g.                   Find yourself some protection from enemy fire.
8.                  Fire for effect!
h.                  Stop moving and adopt a position of defence.
9.                  Go firm!
i.                    Get out of your vehicle.
10.              Cease fire!
j.                     Remove the magazine from the weapon and check that the breech is clear of ammunition.
11.              Abandon ship!
k.                  Start shooting.
12.              Debus!
l.                     Fire one round, so that the fall of shot can be observed.
13.              Rapid fire!
m.                 Go to your battle position immediately.
14.              Make safe!
n.                   Remove all ammunition from the weapon. And ensure that it is clear.
15.              Incoming!
o.                   Prepare to engage armoured vehicles.
16.              Action stations!
p.                  Stop shooting.
17.              Adjust fire!
q.                   Stop moving immediately.
18.              Contact!
r.                    Shells are about to land on our position.

Sheet A
Work with a partner who has sheet B. You are are platoon commander and your call-sign is 31L.
                When the point platoon (call-sign 32) came under fire, the company commander went forward on foot to recce the enemy position. He also came under fire and  cannot move back,
but he has just sent orders on the radio for a quick attack. Because of the noise, you did not hear all the details. Talk to the other platton commander (call-sign 33L) and try to fill in the gaps by asking questions.
Follow these two rules:
1.       Speak only English.
2.       Don’t show your answers to your partner until you have finished.
·         The objective is a farm on the ridge, at grid 481245.
                                                                There are building on both sides of the road.
                                                                At grid 480241 there is a crossroad, which is in a dead ground to the farm.
                                                                This will be _________________________________________________.
·         Enemy forces: the enemy is in the farm. Their strength is___________________ , but they  have two ATGW firing posts and at least two medium machine guns.
·         Friendly Forces: 32 are at grid _____________. They have lost one vehicle . Sunray is at grid ______________________________________.
·         To clear the enemy from the farm at grid 481245.
·         Concept of operations: this attach will be made on foot. 
31 and 33 will _______________________________________________ ,
using the road as their axis.
The move to the FUP will be covered by smoke.
32 will _____________________________________________________ . The  vehicles will stay where they are until called forward.

·         Detailed tasks:
31 clear the building on the right of the road.
32-  _______________________________________________________ ,
33- clear the buildings on the left of the road.
·         Coordinating instructions:
Indirect fire support: 10 minutes of smoke on the objective, starting at 1425 hours.
Timings: 1425-Smoke on the objective. Assault group move tto the FUP.
H Hour- ___________________________________________________ .
Route to FUP:
Move to grid _______________________________, then follow the road up to the crossroads.
·         No change
·         Command: ____________________________will command the assault group.
31 M will now command 31. 
Sheet B
Work with a partner who has sheet A. You are are platoon commander and your call-sign is 33L.
                When the point platoon (call-sign 32) came under fire, the company commander went forward on foot to recce the enemy position. He also came under fire and cannot move back, but he has just sent orders on the radio for a quick attack. Because of the noise, you did not hear all the details. Talk to the other platton commander (call-sign 31L) and try to fill in the gaps by asking questions.
Follow these two rules:
3.       Speak only English.
4.       Don’t show your answers to your partner until you have finished.
·         The objective is a farm on the ridge, at grid 481245.
                                                                There are building on both sides of the road.
At grid 480241 there is ________________, which is  in a dead ground to the farm.
                                                                This will be the FUP.
·         Enemy forces: the enemy is in the farm. Their strength is not known, but they  have __________________________________________________________.
·         Friendly Forces: 32 are at grid  478240. They have lost ______________. Sunray is at grid 480239.
·         _________________________________________________________________.
·         Concept of operations: this attach will be _________________________. 
31 and 33 will make a frontal assault on the farm, using the road as their axis.
The move to the FUP will be _________________________.  32 will provide fire support from their present position. The  vehicles will _____________________.

·         Detailed tasks:
31- clear the building on the right of the road.
32- provide fire support until the assault reaches the farm, then move up to the objective.
33- ______________________________________________________________.
·         Coordinating instructions:
Indirect fire support: _______________________________________________.
Timings: 1425-Smoke on the objective. Assault group move tto the FUP.
H Hour- as soon as the assault group is formed up.
Route to FUP:
Move to grid 482241, then ___________________________________________.
·         No change

·         Command: 31 L will command the assault group. 31 M will now command 31.                                                      

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

BLOGQUEST - Course of Action Week 

DAY 5 -Platoon assault
(All answers are expected to be provided in the comment section. If you have worked in pairs/groups, stating the students' names is mandatory.)  

Task 1 Describe the picture.

Campaign 2-English for the Military, p. 92
Task 2 Read the text and mark the location of A Coy, C COY , enemy rifle platoon.

You are the commanding officer of B Company, 51 Light Infantry Battalion. Your battalion has been tasked to secure the bridge for the brigade's movement north. 

The enemy is reported to be a reinforced rifle platoon holding the key terrain surrounding the bridge. They are well organised and possess some automatic weapons but they have no mortars or artillery. Your company is composed of three rifle platoons plus an attached section of 81 mm mortars. You also have artillery support from division artillery units to your rear.

Now answer the questions.

  1. What is your mission?
  2. What is the battalion commander's intent?
  3. What enemy forces are defending the bridge?
  4. What fire support assets do you possess?
Task 3 Work in 3 groups. Answer the questions.

  1. What tasks must the platoon accomplish in order to complete the mission?
  2. What facts limit your freedom of action? What is the enemy's most likely course of action?
Task 4 List all the things that affect your plan.  Use these headings. 

mission    time    terrain    weather     troops       logistics and signals

Task 5 Decide on two alternative courses of action.

Task 6 In the same groups,  discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each course of action. Now select the best plan to accomplish your mission.

Task 7 Draw your plan on the map in task 1 and give a written operation order for it.